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One2One coachings are in person, either at your location or our studios. We work either on text Audition/Callback prep, 

intensive Hagen Technique, College Audition prep.


NetCoach by Skype or FaceTime is an online training service, just as intense, just as specific.
All coaching is based on the Hagen Process and its search for truthful Human Behavior.


One2One: $75/hour

NetCoach: $65/hour

Film/TV Audition: $75/hour per client
Scene Analysis/Character Investigation/Action Options

Acting Technique: $85/hour per client
Hagen Object Exercise Process

Camera Imagery Tech: $95/hour per client
Imagery as the basis for Truthful Camera Closeups.

Collaboration: $110/hour per client
Learn to work with the Director and Adjustments.

Media Training: $125/hour per client
Communication skills for business professionals


Hagen Process, Spolin Exercises and 1-2 structured improvs. 

Proven, professional NY acting training for Teen actors 

in creating truthful human behavior: 

No Tricks, No Gimmicks, No Hollywood Attitudes. 

We look forward to working with and developing independent, 

self reliant, critically thinking artists:

no Hollywood stereotypes! Real people making Art! 


See Scheduling and Locations below.


Miss USA Finalists, Miss Florida USA & Miss Florida Teen USA Titleholders, Supermodels, Broadway, Primetime TV, Blockbuster film, Teen Sitcoms stars, all train with ActTrue. Learn the proven, professional techniques of Imagery in Action used by artists throughout the Entertainment Industry specially designed for your pageant success.

"...thank you so much for inviting me to your acting class and for helping me learn things about myself I never knew before. Your technique is truly incredible, not only for acting but also for everyday life!! I am definitely coming to class...I really look forward to class!!

Jessica Rafalowski - Miss Florida USA 2008


Workshops have been presented at The Bitter Truth Theater/LA - Meisner Center/NOHO/LA - Roadside Theater/Heidelberg, Germany - Big Fish Talent/Denver - Supreme HQ Allied Command Theatre/Belgium - U of Illinois/Champagne - Actors Info Booth/Miami - Burt Reynolds Museum/West Palm Beach - Mad Cow Theater/Orlando - AACT Region V Festival/Sioux City, Iowa - Sugden Theater/Naples, FL - Deer Creek High/OK City.


" changing ...epiphanies ...rock solid base ...passion and energy that surpass all!"



Tools tested and honed as acting coach on 110 episodes of TV for the European/international soap opera, OCEAN AVENUE. My work supports actors in furious daily shooting schedule. My work adapts from seasoned NY and LA actors to models fresh from the runway. Fast...Accurate...Active.

Fri/Sat/Sun – Three Day Workshop

Workshop Format:
Friday afternoon: Introduction to Hagen Process: Thought into Behavior
Linklater Voice: Breath Relaxation as the source of creativity
Camera/Imagery Tech: Imagery as the source of improvisation on camera
Saturday: Hagen Exercises presented on tape for critique based on Truth/Untruth
Linklater Voice: Breath Relaxation as the source of creativity
Camera/Imagery Tech: Imagery as the source of improvisation on camera, soap opera scripts
Cold Reading Tech: Acting as reading for comprehension in the cold read audition
Sunday: Hagen Exercises in combination and Duo/Structured Improvs on tape for critique based on Truth/Untruth: Listening in Action
Linklater Voice: Breath Relaxation as the source of creativity
Camera/Imagery Tech: Imagery as the source of improvisation on camera, commercial scripts Monologues applied to Hagen Exercises: Text as a creation of Behavior
As an assistant to four Broadway directors, as a coach for TV and Film, I've created a workshop that addresses your needs and the industry's demands. Join us, work with us, challenge yourself. It's your career!

adult classes

Broward County Classes

ActTrue Adult Class @

FamilyUnited Ent. Artist Training Series/Margate, FL 

Watch for Fall Class Session announcement!

441 S State Road 7 Ste 10, Margate, FL 33068

Registration info:



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